Sunday, August 10, 2008

HAPPINESS... define it as you like it!

Well with the last post I was deep in debate with myself about the word happiness. I had read a lesson in my 12th standard course book where the narrator tells us that everybody has their definition of happiness and we should not compare our needs for happiness to theirs. People might be deprived of some basic needs of life but even that necessarily does not mean that they aren’t happy. For them, they would have learnt to live without it. While learning the lesson I had a thought. Suppose all of us had wings! It would have been so convenient for us to travel places. And then there would have been some handicap cases without proper functioning of wings. For us, we would have considered them so unlucky to not have wings and would have pitied them. But come to think of it, it is not as if people cannot live without it. It is just that when everybody else has it, you start considering it as a necessity. The handicaps without wings could have also lived happily without needing to have wings but still we would have considered it a misfortune to them. When we don’t have something we think of ways for living without it and then get used to not having it.
That makes me mention Manipal. As I had said earlier, when everybody around you have a certain thing, you start considering it as a necessity (which is inevitable because others would give you work related to using it). Here it is that everybody in my batch has a laptop for no specific reason. They might not even work with it to have bought it. We hardly have any work on computer and for any such work given; we are provided UG and PG labs (that is where I am now, lols). I don’t understand the ultimate need to have a laptop here. It is just an additional luxury to me. Well, I am not being sarcastic to any of those having one.
Hmm.. I just wanted to share my thought/story of wings with all of those reading my blog. And vineet! Welcome to my blog. Do read my blog naa and the whole of it.
Chalo then people…. Byeeeeeeeee for now!

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